Monday, March 26, 2018

Mission Accomplished

Mission accomplished! 

Moving in the sixth decade of life is not for the feint of heart. The mind may be willing, but the body ain't what it used to be. 

We had arranged for movers to move the heavy stuff, and naively or perhaps stupidly assumed we could handle the rest. In fact, we even turned down a gracious offer from our son-in-law thinking it wouldn't be worth his over two hour drive to help us move what we thought were just a few things. 

What we hadn't counted on was the sheer number of stuff that needed to be moved. I feel like a decluttering hypocrite, because as I confessed the other day we had way more stuff than I thought, and I had also underestimated how much help we really needed.

I did most of the packing, but poor Chuck did all of the heavy lifting, and the loading and unloading of the truck from the apartment to the house several times over. I spent the majority of my time unpacking and setting up the kitchen and pantry in addition to cleaning up the apartment. Let's just say that my Fit Bit is registering 19,000 steps as I write this, not to mention the 13,000 steps from the day before. 

I've definitely got my work cut out for me this week, and I will need to pace myself. However, I'm excited to get this house looking like a home. After spending a year in an apartment I had forgotten about how quiet a house can be. No more noisy upstairs neighbors for us, unless a family of squirrels decides to move into the attic. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You right about making a big move like that in your sixties. It is much harder.
