Sunday, July 14, 2024



I just found a favorites challenge on Pinterest. I’ve been notorious about claiming to not having favorites. I decided to take the challenge and claim a favorite!

Cold Drink-Popi Soda

Hot Drink- hot chocolate 

Place to hang out- Library

Fruit- Peaches

Time of Day- Morning

Music- 70’s & Christmas

Hobby- Coloring

Season- Fall

Dessert- Brittany’s Chocolate Chip Cookies

Room in home- Library

Animal-Dog & Cat

TV Show- Seinfeld

Subject at school- History 

Book- East of Eden

Weather- sunny

Flavor of Ice cream- vanilla

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Crape Myrtles

 A few months back I mentioned to my husband that I missed seeing crape myrtles. They are quite common in the suburbs where their beautiful colors abound. We had discussed planting some in our yard here at our country home, but had not pursued it much further. 

It wasn’t too long after that as I was driving through our small town that I noticed a crape myrtle growing in someone’s yard. A few houses down was another. It was then that I began actually looking out for crape  myrtles, and found much to my amazement that they were pretty much everywhere. 

It seems that I wasn’t looking for them, and had overlooked what was right before my eyes. Now I’m constantly on the lookout for these beautiful trees, and am delighted when I see them. 

I think the lesson is that we pretty much end up noticing the things we look for. 

There actually is some science to back up this phenomenon, and I’m including the link below if you’d like to learn more. ( I also learned that it can be spelled both crape and crepe.)

Thursday, July 4, 2024

“I’m Teachable”


The other day I overheard a conversation between two women. I had no idea who they were, but they were discussing one of the women’s new job. As the conversation continued the question was asked, “Do you know how to do something?” I didn’t actually catch what that “something” was, but I loved the answer that I heard. 

The other woman replied with, “No, but I’m teachable.” Wow! I haven’t been able to get that thought out of my head. There was quite a bit of confidence, but not overly so in her words. She may not know now how to do something, but she felt certain she could learn. 

Recently my six year old grandson has mastered several milestones in his young life. In the last few months he’s learned how to ride his bike, swim, read, and draw a three dimensional Miles Morales( aka the new Spider-Man.)

As I contemplated his achievements I had to wonder what I had learned lately? Am I still teachable? With my birthday coming up I don’t want to lose sight of still learning new things. I want the confidence to say, “I’m teachable!”

So for now I want to congratulate my middle grandson, and look toward him for inspiration in my own life!