Thursday, December 31, 2020

Hindsight is 2020

Well I found it only fitting to wrap up this year by posting one last time on the last day of the year. 

2020 has been one for the record books as they say. What started out in mid-March with “15 Days to Slow the Spread” became an entire year of restrictions. 

Now fortunately we don’t live in a blue state where those initial restrictions were never lifted. That being said I couldn’t help, but feel a little sad the other night as I realized everything that had changed this year.

I remember feeling on top of the world in February as I reflected on how full my life was. Who would have ever thought for one moment how all of that would come to a screeching halt? 

I thought I would list the activities that changed this year:

Bible Study- we finished the year via Zoom. By fall I was in Comanche on Wednesdays so I wasn’t participating. 

Weight Watchers- I spent the year attending meetings on Zoom each week. Slowly, the familiar faces faded away as the year progressed. Today was actually my first day back for an in-person meeting. It was so refreshing. I will be making an attempt to attend in-person whenever possible, even though a mask is required. 

Library- My weekly trips to the library came to a screeching halt, and just today I returned for the first time to our newly renovated library. 

Book Club- Our meetings resumed in June via Zoom. I’ve only read a few of the books, so I’ve not attended regularly. 

Frisco Retired Teachers- These meetings stopped in March and I’ve really missed seeing some familiar faces. I ran into an old co-worker at the doctor’s office earlier this month, and was thrilled to catch up. 

Yee Haws- Our last meal at El Fenix was in February. Although, the group made an attempt to get together in November, due to the uptick in Covid, Chuck and I chose to stay home. 

Gym- My morning walks along the track at our city recreation center came to a screeching halt in March. I miss seeing the regulars, but although the gym has reopened, walking around the track with a mask on just doesn’t sound appealing. Up until a few months ago I did walk religiously up and down our long front hallway each weekday to get in my exercise.

Grace Found Daily-my poor blog has really been neglected this past year. With no place to go, and nothing really to do my creativity just dried up and withered away. During the summer months I attempted to write about healthy eating, but as my resolve weakened my eating habits did as well. I miss the discipline of writing daily. 

Ireland- our once in a lifetime trip to Ireland had to be cancelled as the pandemic continued into June. Luckily we were refunded our ticket cost, but I’m not sure I see myself traveling much if a mask is required on a ten hour flight. 

Friends- There are several friends who I have not seen since February. I had gotten into the habit of meeting monthly or weekly with friends and family in the area. One of those friends has since moved out of state to be closer to her daughter. I miss getting together with my friends. 

Chuck has been working from home since April, and we have adjusted to both of us being home pretty much all day together. I do miss my office area, and have on occasion set up the card table in the guest room to have a place of my own. 

Abby-Sadly, we had to put down our beloved cat Abby this past summer. We surely miss her presence as part of our family. 

The positives of 2020 are not to be overlooked. In August I began traveling to Comanche to watch the boys on Tuesday and Wednesday. This allowed Brittany to return to work, and I did a little homeschooling with the older one who was not able to attend full time pre-K as originally planned. Luckily, both boys were able to attend a wonderful preschool offered by the Baptist Church. 

Chuck and I made the unexpected decision to go ahead and get started on the building of our house on the property in De Leon. As of today we have a beautiful gate, a driveway and a foundation. We are hoping next week to see the start of the actual structure. It’s been an exciting time seeing it come to fruition. We are looking forward to being closer to Brittany, Will and the boys. 

In April I completed a children’s book that I had been working on. The discipline of working on it daily helped it come to pass. Now as to whether it actually gets published remains to be seen. 

Church- Luckily, our church resumed in person services on Mother’s Day. ThIs literally has been a Godsend to us as we look forward to attending each Sunday. Those Sundays when we have communion are even more special. Sadly, though many of our friends have not returned to in-person worship, and we definitely miss them. 

Bible- Chuck and I have been able to read the Bible in a year thanks to an app recommended by Chuck’s cousin’s wife Debbie. There is a great sense of accomplishment in doing this. 

Walks around the Lake- Chuck and I enjoyed the times we were able to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather in the spring. Walking around the lake at our old apartment was one of our favorite pastimes, as well as exploring some of the trails here in Euless. 

On-line Wellness class- I was able to participate in a six week course offered by Veritas Wellness out of Lubbock. I learned a lot about my health and the virus from Dr. Ben Edwards whose desire to share and teach the truth is inspiring. 

Miracle- our family was blessed at the miraculous recovery of my brother-in-law Danny this spring. Praise God that he is with us today, because it was pretty touch and go. Initially we feared he had Covid, but although he did not it was a miracle that he lived. Our family all became closer to God during that period. 

Aunt Theresa- I’ve been able to talk weekly to my 94 year old aunt during this past year. We even have been able to FaceTime a few times, and it was wonderful to actually see her.
Rabbit Hole- just a side note here. I’ve spent countless hours learning all about Covid, masks, vaccinations, medicines, election fraud, corrupt government practices, and pretty much anything else you can think of. I’m not sure I’m a better person for it, or just ready to host my own conspiracy theory podcast. 

As I contemplate this next year I feel it is time to move on. What I had hoped would end over a course of a few months it appears will still continue to linger. Even with the vaccines we are still going to be required to social distance and wear masks. This makes me sad, but at the same time I’m tired of putting my life on hold. 

I pray for good health for my family and friends this coming year. 

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