Thursday, February 15, 2024

Respond vs React


Continuing with the Stoic teaching of control one thing to consider is response vs reaction.

Do you respond to what happens or do you react?

According to an article published by  SoulSalt entitled, How to Take Control of Your Life With 11 Small Shifts the following definitions are:

Reaction- “A reaction happens immediately in the unconscious without thinking. It is survival oriented and often a defense mechanism.”

Response- “When you process your initial emotional reaction before taking action. You observe your instant reaction, then ensure your actions remain in line with your core values.”

Although it is perfectly normal to have emotions, allowing them to take the lead is not always the best way to go. Taking a few moments to process those emotions or to “sit with them” allows you to respond more calmly.

I have a tendency to do all things quickly, including reacting negatively to things that come my way. Rather than taking a moment  to think about what I want to say,  words often come blurting out of my mouth. Most of the time this is not helpful In the long run.

I wish I could say that just knowing the difference between the two would help you to easily navigate life’s circumstances. However, for me responding instead of reacting is not an easy task.

I do believe, though, that awareness is a first step to making changes. I want to be more aware of my emotions, but at the same time give myself the opportunity to respond in a more constructive manor. 

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