I thought I’d take a minute to write about the book challenge I began in January. My goal was to read one book a week.
My reason for doing so was to increase the number of books I would be reading. Over time I had found myself reading less, and less fiction so in order to change that habit around I thought a book challenge might work.
Sadly, what I found myself doing was reading several “little” books to make up for the longer books that were taking me more than a week to read.
It all boiled down to the whole letter of the law vs the spirit of the law.
Yes, technically I could say I was reading a book a week, but what actually happened was that reading became a chore instead of a joy.
When I gave myself permission to back off I continued to read books that I enjoyed without the constraints of having to finish them under a deadline.
Since the beginning of the year I have read a myriad of books about World War II.
They have primarily been stories of women who served as spies in France during the war.
They have been informative, and eye opening when it came to the bravery of these young women. As much as I wanted to be a spy back when I was ten, I know I don’t possess the courage required to do so.
So my plans are just to continue reading as the year goes by. There may only be twenty books read vs fifty-two, but even so that’s more than I’ve been reading in the past.